What plan?

(From Proverbs 19:21, 23)

There are instances in life where this couple of proverbs prove right. Sometimes, even if you know you’ve worked hard, invested a lot of your time and resources in things that matter so much in your life, some things would not just go as planned, and/or you’d be taken to a completely different direction, not the one that you would’ve anticipated or even imagined.

Even after a long, tedious period of seeking the Lord, praying and fasting about it, it just doesn’t seem to go your way for some reason. And you’re pretty much left disappointed, tired, sometimes, even angry with God and everyone around you! You knew you deserved better, and whatever you ended up with was not what you’ve asked and worked hard for.

Yet the Bible says that we can do all the planning and toiling but the Lord’s purpose, whatever it is that He’s already pre-destined, pre-designed and pre-planned, will always prevail (v21). And we can be sure that He has good reasons as to why certain plans won’t come into fruition, or outcomes are not in the shape you’ve expected or calculated. He said in verse 11 of Jeremiah 29:

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

This is His promise. Remember that God always has your best interest in mind, and only He knows what’s best for you and I. Be encouraged that He’s already worked it all out for you (Proverbs 16:4). You just got to walk in it. But this part takes trust, and a lot of patience, because it’s not stated in the promise that it’s going to be easy and problem-free.

Along the way, yes, He will allow us to experience disappointments, failures, difficulties; only to realise (again and again) that we can’t handle it on our own. But those who know how to fear (revere) Him, wait on His timing, and trust Him will always renew their strength (Isaiah 40:31). They are the ones who truly succeed because they encounter God in the process; they learn how to hope in the God who holds the universe; they learn how it is to persevere, and develop strength of character (Romans 5:3-4); they learn that the God who is powerful and kind and wise is on their side amidst the struggles; and they can trust that if Plan A doesn’t work out, God has already placed a Plan B that is surely bigger and better. They can always believe that. Proverbs 3:5-6 says to:

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Verse 23 of Proverbs 19 indicates that because they honour God, praise Him, and worship Him in the middle of difficult circumstances, they are given life and energy anyway; they can feel safe and secure anyway; and they are protected from harm anyway, which is probably why the plan didn’t succeed in the first place. They can keep walking under God’s protection until they reach the destination God has prepared skilfully for them.

Let’s choose to be thankful to God when things don’t go as planned; and trust that wherever He redirects us, greener pastures await. His ways are always perfect. His timing is never too late, never too early. You can continue walking by faith, and be sure that He’s got you covered.



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Now, what?


While on the train today, I pulled out my daily devotional. And everything that’s written there has astonishingly validated what God has been putting in my heart the past few days.

I’ve come to realise that lately, the Lord has been teaching me an important lesson: how to live one day at a time—how to prioritise nothing but the now, and just live in the moment.

Present tense

It’s great to be futuristic and always think ahead, but the future will be no good if the quality of the present isn’t well taken care of.

I believe that focusing on the now also helps us develop and strengthen our trust in the Lord—that He will be there from top to finish, that He’s in the beginning and in the end of every chapter, ’cause that’s what He promised.

Failures vis-à-vis Victories

I also learned that the mistakes of today do not define you solely for the rest of your life.

Your everyday triumphs help establish your identity and validate your goals, so do your mistakes. They’re both essential in the process.

Today’s mistakes are tomorrow’s learnings. Today’s victories are tomorrow’s benchmarks.



This sign


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When I look at this, I’m constantly reminded. I’m reminded that there’s enough reason to face another day with so much optimism, motivation and renewed hope; that I can put my trust completely on my Saviour.

I’m reminded that there’s someone who will look after what I am not capable of handling or changing.

That if my human abilities fail, His grace and faithfulness won’t.

That if my plans and dreams don’t succeed, His plan and purpose will take over.

That if I’m filled with fear and doubt, His promises will be my hope.

That if everyone has turned their backs, His comfort and His peace will be there to remind me I’m safe and valued.

That if the waiting time gets frustrating, His Word will constantly reassure me of His perfect timing.

That if I get lost, or refuse to find my way back, He will be waiting for me to come home.

And He will remain the same.

And He will remind me of these things again in case I’ve forgotten.

